Osteomancy is a type of divination that is used across cultures. It involves the act of using bones to determine something about the past, present, or future. With my craft, I use a mixture of bones and charms, and cast them onto a rune mat. Given where they land, I determine their interpretation.
I also use tarot cards as an alternate form of divination. Tarot is a deck of cards each with specific imagery detailing a set of values that I can use to determine the answer to a question. These two forms of divination can work interchangeably, though the results might differ slightly.
I offer three tiers of readings for either tarot or osteomancy.
- The first tier is to ask questions that have a yes or no answer. (i.e. is there a deity trying to contact me? Is my ex still in love with me? Will this summer be good?) This tier is $3.
- The second tier is a vibe check reading, where I’ll see how my tools represent you or someone/something else. This tier is $5.
- The third and final tier is where you can ask open ended questions that don’t have a yes or no answer. (i.e. why can’t I fall in love? What’s most important for my journey of healing? What will be best for my relationship?) This tier is $10.
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